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Which Loader Leaves the Rest in the Dust?

Posted: 27/10/2016

Get There Faster

Faster travel speed equals more productivity. That’s because when you’re traveling across your jobsite or between work areas, you’re not working. And if your loader travels slowly, loss of productivity can really add up. That’s why we engineer Bobcat® loaders for faster travel speeds. Unfortunately, not all loader brands make travel speed a priority. Kubota®, Caterpillar®, Case® and New Holland®, say they have similar travel speeds, but each machine performed differently in our travel speed test. Watch the test to see for yourself.

Get An Overview

Bobcat loader in a speed test with Kubota, Caterpillar, Case and New Holland loaders.

Travel speed is how fast equipment travels from point A to point B on a worksite. It takes you more time to complete projects when your machine moves slowly, which can affect your bottom line. While you might not notice the difference of a few seconds, over the course of a day, seconds can add up to hours. That’s why travel speed is an important factor in selecting the best loader.

Watch the Full Test

Bobcat loader in a speed test with Kubota, Caterpillar, Case and New Holland loaders.

Keep your worksite in mind when considering travel speed. The faster your compact track loader brings materials from a stockpile to where they’re needed, the more time you can shave off your production schedule. However, not all manufacturers build their loaders with that in mind. Watch the full test to see which brand performs the best.

Bobcat vs. Other Brands

Test Results

Comparison graphic showing the travel speed distances between brands over an hour of operation.

In our unofficial speed test, Bobcat left the other manufacturers in the dust. But the real difference comes when you multiply the results. Using published specifications, after one hour in high range, the Bobcat loader would be 2 miles miles ahead of Caterpillar, 3 miles ahead of Case and New Holland and 3 ½ miles ahead of Kubota.

How We Test Equipment

Bobcat Advantage behind the scenes testing equipment video.

When you’re shopping for a new machine, it’s easy to compare specs. After all, that’s the best way to compare machines, right? Not quite. With specs, you’re only getting part of the story. They don’t measure real performance on your jobsite and that’s what matters most. It’s the reason we put top brands through the paces with fair, accurate, and repeatable tests. Watch to see how we developed the tests.

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